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Showing posts from June, 2021

TipsReport: Best Hindi Blog

 In this post, I'm going to write about a blog that I came across recently. Its name is TipsReport  ( ), it's a Hindi blog and the content over there is just amazing.  So starting with the topics, that TipsReport is about. You can find a variety of articles here but most of them can be grouped with tags India, Tips and Tricks, Technology, Health, Education, and Quotes.   Some of the initial blogs on this blog were related to health like the Advantages of eating raisins, the Advantages of Jonk oil, etc.  One of the amazing things that I liked about this blog is that it has content that shares the government schemes, their benefits, and how to avail them. I am sharing one of them here: PMBBY Yojna.  This blog also speaks on many of the government policies and actions. It openly says their faults and gives a solution to them. This blog also covers some political news and movements. TipsReport also writes on the latest technology trends which are not only li

3 hacks to wake up early in the morning

So this is what everyone says that we have to wake up early in the morning. Yes, it's good to wake up early and this could be the best decision you will take in your life.   I have read this somewhere that " If you want to change your life, do nothing just start waking up early in the morning and things will start happening ". So yes waking up early in the morning is going to help you a lot and it will surely help in changing your life. Now the question that arises is how we can wake up early in the morning? We all want to wake up early at 5 or 6 Am in the morning but when the clock hits 5 and your alarm makes the sound, your mind says just 5 minutes more and these 5 minutes end up at 1 hour.  So the question is how can we make it to wake up early in the morning. So in this article, I'm sharing 3 hacks that can surely help you in achieving your goal of waking up early in the morning.  The secret of waking up early doesn't lie in the process of waking up early in

Cpp program to count digits in an integer

C++ program to count the number of digits in an integer: Suppose you have an integer, n = 1567. The number of digits in n is 4. Input: 1567 Output: 4 Input: 58694 Output: 5 Solution:  To solve this problem, we can simply iterate to all these digits starting from the rightmost digit. We will update the number by dividing it by 10 until it becomes less than or equal to zero. Step 1: n=1567, count=0.               n = n/10; count = count+1; Step 2: n=156, count=1.             n = n/10; count = count+1; Step 3: n=15, count=2.             n = n/10; count = count+1; Step 4: n=1, count=3.             n = n/10; count = count+1; Step 5: n=0; count=3;               Loop will end here. C++ implementation: #include   <bits/stdc++.h> using   namespace   std ; int   main () {     int  n ;     cin >>  n ;      int   count  =  0 ;      while  ( n  !=  0 )     {          n  =  n  /  10 ;          count ++;     }     cout <<  "Number of digits : "  <<  count ;      retu