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Google Classroom and Google Meet got 50+ new features

 Yesterday Google announced more than 50 new features for its education-focused products, including Google classroom and Google meet. Google classroom will have an offline mode and improved mobile grading. Google has also rebranded its GSuite for education as Google Workspace for Education. It will have one-stop access to Google Classroom, Google Meet and Google Drive. Google has also said that more than 170 million students and teachers worldwide rely on its suite tools.

Now, the android version of Google classroom will be the official mode to ease the learning process. Students will also be able to start their work offline, review their assignments, access the attachments in Google Drive and write assignments in Google Docs - everything without internet.

Google has also improved the grading system on android app. It will let easily switch between students submission and grade work. Google is also adding the add-ons options to let teachers integrate their favourite 3rd party Edu-tech tools and content into the classroom interface. These add-ons can be accesses after upgrading on Google Classroom of Teacher and learning upgrade or by using Education Plus.

For detecting plagiarism, Google classroom will also receive an originality report in 15 languages.

Google meet is also getting some updates. Now, it will have the ability to allow more than 1 teacher for each class. There will be an option with 'End meeting for all'. Teachers will also have the option to mute all participants at once or select whether students can unmute themselves or not. 


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